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 Strong Haste
auto 200 listas 'Auto Strong Haste' | if [$mp >= 100 && $inpz==0] stronghaste

Mana Shield
 auto 200 listas 'Auto Manashield' | if [$mp >= 50 && $inpz==0] manashield

Hold Target
 auto 200 if $attacked set $holdd $attacked | if [$attacked != $holdd && $holdd.hppc != 0] attack $ | ifnot [$holdd.hppc] clear $holdd | setpos [$screenleft-202] [$screentop+50] | setcolor 206 206 206 | if $holdd displaytext 'Hold Target: [$]' | ifnot $holdd displaytext 'Hold Target:  None'

Clear Hold Target
clear $holdd | clear target

Exiva Last

Exiva Target

Level Spy Up

Level Spy Down

Automatically SD Target
 auto 100 listas 'SD Target' | safe sd target

UE Combo
 auto 100 listas 'UE Combo' | foreach 'newmessages' $ue if [$ue.content == 'LEADER'S UE SPELL' && $ue.sender == 'LEADER'S NAME HERE'] say 'YOUR UE SPELL'

Sio Friend List
 auto 100 listas 'Sio Friend' | safe sio 75 friend

UH Friend List
 auto 200 listas 'UH Friend' | safe uhpc 75 friend

GMP Friend List
 auto 100 listas 'Pot Friend' | $potionid 238 | set $perc 60 | set $dist 2 | clear $best | set $lowest 100 | foreach 'screenplayers' $fr {if [$fr.distance <= $dist && $fr.hppc < $perc && $fr.hppc < $lowest && ($fr.isfriend || $fr.issubfriend)] {set $lowest $fr.hppc | set $best $fr}} | if [$hppc <= $perc] set $best $self | if $best {dashchase $ | useoncreature 238 $ | wait 300}

Energy Ring at 40% hp
 auto 100 listas 'E-Ring' |  if [$hppc < 40] {equipring 3051} | if [$hppc > 90] {unequip 'ring' 'empty'}

Auto Time Ring
auto 200 dontlist | equipring 3053

Auto Stone Skin Amulet
 auto 200 dontlist | fastequipammy 3081

Auto Might Ring
 auto 100 dontlist | if [$ != 3049] {equipring 3049}

Eat Food
 auto 100 dontlist | if [$inpz == 0] eatfood | [$inpz == 0] eatfood | wait 20000

Keep Magic Wall Up
 auto 100 listas 'Keep Magic Wall' | keepmagwall

 auto 100 listas 'Anti Push: ON' | dropitems 283 284 285 | ifnot [$topitem.$posx.$posy.$posz == 3031] dropitemsxyzamount $posx $posy $posz 3031 2 | ifnot [$topitem.$posx.$posy.$posz == 3492] dropitemsxyzamount $posx $posy $posz 3492 2

Drag All Items Underneath You
 auto 100 listas 'Push All' | moveitemonground $posx [$posy-1] $posz $posx $posy $posz|moveitemonground $posx [$posy+1] $posz $posx $posy $posz|moveitemonground [$posx-1] [$posy-1] $posz $posx $posy $posz|moveitemonground [$posx-1] $posy $posz $posx $posy $posz|moveitemonground [$posx-1] [$posy+1] $posz $posx $posy $posz| moveitemonground [$posx+1] [$posy-1] $posz $posx $posy $posz|moveitemonground [$posx+1] $posy $posz $posx $posy $posz|moveitemonground [$posx+1] [$posy+1] $posz $posx $posy $posz

Collect Items On Ground
 auto 100 collectitems 'empty' 3555 3388 3414 3031 3035 3725 3043 3492 3447 7368 5801 9019 8090 6529 3051 8097 10384 285 284

Opens Most Doors, Uses Sewer Grates, Uses Ladders, Opens Holes With Shovel, Uses Rope On Holes, Cuts Tree Walls With Machete, All In One Hotkey

 usegrounditem 5007 | usegrounditem 4911 | usegrounditem 1632 | usegrounditem 1633 | usegrounditem 1629 | usegrounditem 1630 | usegrounditem 5108 | usegrounditem 5107 | usegrounditem 5281 | usegrounditem 1968 | usegrounditem 435 | useongrounditem 3003 386 | usegrounditem 1948 | usegrounditem 5542 | useongrounditem 3308 2130 | 3308 3696 useongrounditem


Magic Wall Around Target
 auto 100 listas 'MW Target' | safe {set $y $target.posy | set $x $target.posx | if [$target.posx > $posx] inc $x | if [$target.posx < $posx] dec $x | if [$target.posy > $posy] inc $y | if [$target.posy < $posy] dec $y | {useongroundxyz [3180] [$x] [$y] [$target.posz]}}

Automatically Put Guild War Enemies On Enemy List
auto 200 dontlist | {foreach 'screenplayers' $h} if [$h.isfriend == 0 && $h.warbanner == 2] {setrelation '$' 'enemy' | setrelation '$name' '0'}

Change Outfit Of Enemies Depending On Vocation 
auto 100 foreach 'allplayers' $l {if [$l.isenemy || $l.issubenemy] {setoutfitcolor $ 123 123 123 123 3 | if [$l.issorcerer] setoutfit $ 130 | if [$l.isdruid] setoutfit $ 144 | if [$l.isknight] setoutfit $ 134 | if [$l.ispaladin] setoutfit $ 152}}

Elfbot NG - CaveBot - Hotkeys - Scripts - HUD - Aimbot - Targeting - Knight - Druid - Sorcerer - Paladin

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