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Aimbot Elfbot

Aimbot is divided into 2 parts:
Core Aimbot: Functions are based on player data and leader moves. 
Trigger Aimbot: Functions are based on the message that the leader posts, we recommend to use navigations or guild chat.



Core Aimbot:

  • Prioritize mages with least cur mp - The bot will select the mage who has the least mana. But be careful, because the bot does not exactly know how many enemies have mana.

  • Prioritize mages with most miss mp - The bot will select the mage who lacks the most mana to full. More if the 300 level mage is missing 3000 for full mana and the mage with level 130 is missing 2900 - it will be attacked with 300 levels despite having more mana. The option is useful for attacking higher levels, it is useful when we do not have enemies list.

  • Choose enemies with lowest cur hp - The bot will pick the player who has the least hp. Be careful in case you do not have a list of enemies as it can select small levels by which we will lose frags.

  • Lock on leader's target - Selects the target chosen by the leader of the "aim leaders".

  • Trace shots - before attacking the target will check if the target is reachable if it does not jump to the next.

  • Display best target - around the character that is the best target (according to how we highlighted the options) will be a white square.

  • Discount Protection zones - Ignore the players who are in the PZ.

  • Lock on paralyzed sub / enemies - chooses what has been paralyzed

  • Aim Leaders - Here we enter the nicknames of leaders. You can type more than one, separating them with a comma. E.g. "Kasia, Baska" - without quotes.

  • Aim Type - here you set how the bot is supposed to behave towards the target.

  • Auto combo paralyze / leader target - attacks the target that has chosen the leader.

  • Choose subenemy if no enemy - Select sub- enemy if there is no enemy.

For most options you need to use scripts, and if you just want to set up a combo leader, then welcome to the bottom of the page where the example is shown.


Trigger Aimbot:

  • Word triggering enabled - activate trigger aimbot.

  • Execute automatically - automatically attacks players in front of the leader.

  • Target others if target can not be shot - attack only when the target is reachable.

  • Combo Shot - automatically targets the target.

  • Sync Shot - before the combo bot waits 2 seconds and just shoots, the perfect combo :)

  • Paralyze Shot - paralyze spam for 2 seconds.

  • Single - we do not know what this option does, if anyone knows - please report it.



  • Ignore lower priority leader - ignores leaders with low priority.

  • Target enemies only if skulled / war - Attacks enemies if they have a skull or are in war with you.

  • Target sub-enemies only if skulled / war - Attack sub-enemies if they have a skull or are with you in the war.

  • Target others only if skulled / war - Attacks everyone if they have a skull or are in a stalemate with your guild.



Combo leader

 As you can see we have indicated

  • Auto combo paralyze/leader target

  • Lock on leader's target

  • Aim Type - Attack, Sd Rune

And we entered the nickname of the leader - Kasia. 
In this example, when Kasia attacked a player, we were with her and sd with her. This is the so-called. Combo leader. You can do it differently by adding more options or even less, but for what?
For options to be active, click save in the main bot window.


Combo on command

 As you can see we have indicated

  • Word triggering enabled

  • Execute automatically

  • Combo Shot - attack

  • Paralyze Shot - stop it

And we entered the nickname of the leader - Kasia. 
In this case, when the leader posts, for example, the attack of NickGracz, the bot will attack the player, and when the leader will enter the "paraglider Nick", we paralyze him.

Sample scripts for the leader:​

navsay 'attack [$]'

navsay 'paralo [$]'

Elfbot NG - CaveBot - Hotkeys - Scripts - HUD - Aimbot - Targeting - Knight - Druid - Sorcerer - Paladin

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