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Targert + Haste

auto 100 listas '1 Fast Attack' | attack target | haste



auto 200 listas '2 Dance' | turnn | wait 100 | turne | wait 100 | turns | wait 100 | turnw | wait 100 | turnn


Mana Potion / Mana Rune

auto 200 listas '3 Mana Potion' | if [$mppc <= 98] mana self

auto 200 listas '3 Mana Rune' | if [$mppc <= 98] useoncreature XXXX self



auto 100 listas '4 Reconect' | ifnot $connected { reconnect | wait 6000


Reconect + Bless

auto 100 listas '4 Reconect' | ifnot $connected { reconnect | wait 6000 | {say '!bless'}


Reconect + Bless + Cavebot

auto 100 listas '4 Reconect' | ifnot $connected { reconnect | wait 6000 | {say '!bless'} | gotolabel inicio | setfollowwaypoints on | setcavebot on



Exura + Health Potion

auto 100 listas '5 Healing' | if [$hppc <97] say 'Exura' | health 85 self


Exana Mort + Strong Health Potion

auto 100 listas '5 Healing' | if [$hppc <97] say 'Exana Mort' | shealth 85 self


Exana Mort + Great Health Potion

auto 100 listas '5 Healing' | if [$hppc <97] say 'Exana Mort' | ghealth 85 self


Exana Mort + Ultimate Health Potion

auto 100 listas '5 Healing' | if [$hppc <97] say 'Exana Mort' | uhealth 85 self


Exura Ico + Health Rune

auto 100 listas '5 Healing' | if [$hppc <97] say 'Exura Ico' | if [$hppc <85] useoncreature XXXX self 


Exana Mort + Great Health Potion + Healing Paralysis

auto 100 listas '5 Healing' | if [$hppc <97] say 'Exana Mort' | ghealth 85 self | healparalysis 'Exana Mort'


Mana Training

auto 100 listas '6 Mana Traning' | if [$mppc => 70] say Exori Gran | wait 1000


Stack Items

auto 100 listas '7 Stack-Items' | stackitems  


Auto Follow

 auto 100 listas '8 Auto Follow' | isnottargeting {if [$ != 'Player'] follow 'Player'}


Eat Food

auto 100 dontlist | listas '9 Eat' | if [$inpz == 0] eatfood | [$inpz == 0] eatfood | wait 20000


Reset Lvl

auto 100 listas '10 Reset Lvl' | if [$level >= 1000] {setfollowwaypoints off | setcavebot off | {ifnot $battlesign say '!resetar'}}


UE Safe

Monster = 1 + 1 Sqm Distance

auto 200 listas '11 UE Safe' | if [$monstersaround.1 >=1 && $playersaround.1 == 0] {say 'Exori Gran'} | isplayeronscreen say 'Exori Hur'


Monster = 2 + 1 Sqm Distance

auto 200 listas '11 UE Safe' | if [$monstersaround.1 >=2 && $playersaround.1 == 0] {say 'Exori Gran'} | isplayeronscreen say 'Exori Hur'


Monster = 1 + 3 Sqm Distance

auto 200 listas '11 UE Safe' | if [$monstersaround.3 >=1 && $playersaround.1 == 0] {say 'Exori Mas'} | isplayeronscreen say 'Exori Hur'


Utito Tempo

auto 100 listas '12 Utito' | if [$strenghttime <= 1500] {say 'Utito Tempo' | wait 11000}

auto 100 listas '12 Utito' | if [$skill.sword < 120 && $target.isshootable] {say Utito Tempo}

auto 100 listas '12 Utito' | if [$ < 120 && $target.isshootable] {say Utito Tempo}

auto 100 listas '12 Utito' | if [$skill.axe < 120 && $target.isshootable] {say Utito Tempo}


Gold Coin > Platinium Coin

auto 200 listas '13 Gold > Platinium' | stackitems | if [ $itemcount.3031 >= 100 ] equipbelt 3031 | if [$ == 3031 && $beltslot.count == 100] useitem 3031

Platinium Coin > Crystal Coin

auto 200 listas '14 Platinium-Crystal' | stackitems | if [ $itemcount.3035 >= 100 ] equipbelt 3035 | if [$ == 3035 && $beltslot.count == 100] useitem 3035


Crystal Coin > Ingot/Nugget

auto 200 listas '15 Crytal-Ingot' | stackitems | if [ $itemcount.3043 >= 100 ] equipbelt 3043 | if [$ == 3043 && $beltslot.count == 100] useitem 3043


Items Up

auto 100 listas '16 Items Up' | collectitems 'empty' XXXX XXXX XXX


Bug Map

auto 100 listas '17 Bug Map' | if [$key.65] {usegroundxyz [$posx-7] $posy $posz | end} if [$key.68] {usegroundxyz [$posx+7] $posy $posz | end} if [$key.83] {usegroundxyz $posx [$posy+6] $posz | end} if [$key.87] {usegroundxyz $posx [$posy-6] $posz | end} if [$key.67] {usegroundxyz [$posx+6] [$posy+5] $posz | end} if [$key.90] {usegroundxyz [$posx-6] [$posy+5] $posz | end} if] [$posy-5] $posz | end}


DesBug Map

auto 400 listas '18 Desbuga' | if [$standtime >= 15000]  moven moves


Exeta Res

auto 100 listas '19 Exeta Res' | if [$lastmsg.sender == 'Player' && $lastmsg.content == 'res'] {say 'Exeta Res' | end }



auto 200 listas '20 Mining' | useongrounditem 3456 4465 | useongrounditem 3456 5636 | useongrounditem 3456 5631 | useongrounditem 3456 5635 | useongrounditem 3456 5634 | useongrounditem 3456 5632 | useongrounditem 3456 5651| useongrounditem 3456 5638 | useongrounditem 3456 5649 | useongrounditem 3456 5650 | useongrounditem 3456 5633 | useongrounditem 3456 5637 | useongrounditem 3456 5630 | dropitems 3114 1781 XXXX XXXX


SolfBoots Refill

auto 100 listas '21 SoftBoots Refill' | if [$itemcount.6530 == 1] { say !soft }

Elfbot NG - CaveBot - Hotkeys - Scripts - HUD - Aimbot - Targeting - Knight - Druid - Sorcerer - Paladin

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